Associate Professor
DEMM, University of Milan
CEPR, CESifo, Luca d’Agliano and CRENOS
Services' Trade in Africa: Structure and Growth. The World Economy, 2023, Vol 00, 1–22. Special Issue on "Global Value Chains in Africa" with Laura Ogliari Foreign Workers, Product Quality and Trade: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Journal of International Economics, 2022, Vol. 139(C) Also featured in Faculti One Way to the Top: How Services Boost the Demand for Goods Journal of International Economics, 2020, Vol 124. with F. Mayneris & M. Parenti Also featured in VOXEU Interconnections Between Services and Goods Trade at the Firm Level Journal of International Economics, 2019, Vol 116, 173-188. with H. Breinlich, G. Corcos & G. Mion Firm Heterogeneity and Aggregate Business Services Exports: Micro Evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain The World Economy, 2019, Vol. 42(2), 564-589 with E. Biewen, S. Blank, G. Gaulier, M.J. Gonzales, P. Meinen, D. Mirza, C. Martin and P. Tello Trade in Services and Occupational Tasks: An Empirical Investigation The World Economy , 2017, Vol.40(9), 1866-1899 with G. Mion Also featured in VOXEU Crisis-Proof Services: Why Trade In Services Did Not Suffer During the 2008-2009 Collapse Journal of International Economics, 2016, Vol 98, 138-149. Also featured in VOXEU , GED Winner of the “2015 Geneva International Award” (from the Swiss Network for International Studies) Governance Quality and Net Migration Flows Regional Science and Urban Economics , 2016, Vol. 60, 238-248. with F. Docquier & M.P. Squicciarini Services Versus Goods Trade: A Firm Level Comparison Review of World Economics , 2016, Vol 152 (1), 19-41. Also featured in VOXEU Other Publications Determinants and Consequences of International Migration in Biagi, Faggian, Rajbhandari and Venhorst ed. “New Frontiers in Interregional Migration Research” Springer, 2018. The Balance of Brains: Corruption and High-Skilled Migration EMBO Reports 2013 Vol. 14, Pages 502-504 with Mara P. Squicciarini Featured in ElPais
Service Imports, Workforce Composition and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finnish Microdata
NBER Working Paper 26355
with J.B. Jensen, K. Nilsson Hakkala & S. Tamminen
Also featured in VOXEU
Immigration and the Slope of the Demand Curve: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity in a Model or Regional Labor Markets
with T. Müller and T. Nguyen
CEPR DP 18091, CESifo WP 10344
On the Mystery of the Missing Trade in Services